Managers were concerned that she is so on edge—stays late at work, short with staff, good on phone with clients but exploded after phone calls or meetings that didn’t work out the way she wanted. They worried if they promoted her, she’d crack under the weight of more responsibility. Lisa took on responsibility for too many things that were not under her control. She had a difficult personal situation across the country in which she felt she needed to mediate.
Help her make choices for herself based on her needs and not someone else’s. Lisa could learn to accept she can take control of her own life without alienating others.
Lisa became more secure in her job and demonstrated a more relaxed, professional presence. She celebrated her successes; was able to pause between action/reaction and decide how she wanted to be in the moment. Lisa learned to put herself first, without guilt. She was able to contend with the difficult family situation in a way that took care of herself as well as the other parties. She helped others resolve the issue and not take it on herself.
Lisa was able to make the right choices for herself.
She was able to focus on developing staff, and created better relationships with her clients without stress.
Lisa’s managers found the change in stress level noticeable.
They were confident enough to promote her.
Lisa also got more control over her finances.
With her friends, was able to accept and be open about choosing what she could do and couldn’t afford to do, without concern for what they might think.
She let go of family problems without guilt.